Great new Kettlebell and lifting gloves!

21 May 2007

New Start...... plus one more!

As you can see, I changed up the look of my blog, which goes well with my new start. This time my wife will be getting in shape with me!

Monday: 21 May 07
Today, I started my new workout routine, slightly modified, because Marion (my wife) is working out with me. She is really looking forward to seeing her abs again, so I'm sure she will keep us both on track!

Although, she won't be posting her stats or pics during her fitness journey, I think I can convince her to post a before and after shot once she's in shape again....... we'll see. I on the other hand will be posting a weekly pic, my weight and body fat % average based on my body fat scale readings and a monthly before and after pic comparison.

Before I forget my current stats..... Bodyweight: 195lbs Body Fat: 14.6% Hydration: Low

Some big differences in my previous programs, I'll be doing most of my workouts at home and with very little weight (to start out), in fact the first few weeks will be done with no weights and 10lb medicine ball for 1 or 2 of the exercises.

I'll go over each exercise and include a pic or two later this week. For now, here is a quick breakdown of what I'll be doing.

Resistance training followed by walk. Mon, Wed, Fri
30min Cardio followed by walk Tue, Thur, Sat
Long walk: Sunday

Resistance training for the first few weeks will consist of these exercises:
Ab Flexes
Ab ball crunches
Tricep Push ups
Diagonal Squats w/ medicine ball
Alligator Push ups

The walks after our routine will be with Zoie-in Stroller, Zoie-in carrying harness, or had weights while the other person either pushes Zoie or carries Zoie.

Sunday will be an active rest day, going for a long walk (over an hour or more) with Zoie and no weights.


Sandee said...

I like the new look.

I'm also glad that you are going to get started again, and with your lovely wife. My husband and I work out together too. It's a good thing. Good luck, and I'm looking forward to following your progress again.

Rcube said...

Thanks, Comedy+!

Marion has always been my best workout partner, she always has strict form and doesn't quit. We got away from working out together after we moved from CA.

Now we have a new workout partner, Zoie!

Sandee said...

It's great you two enjoy working out together. I did forget about Zoie...She will really cause you to workout when she starts moving all over the house. You will love it though.

Anonymous said...

Good Job on the new website and having Marion joining you, i guess no more excuses for me, i will start again over the weekend...i will keep you posted!

Rcube said...


Good for you! Can't wait to see pics of the new improved and uber fit Silke.... ;o)

Mrs.ZigZagMan said...

its so cool you are doing this together and including Zoie.

I'll post pics if Marion will! I am sure she is already way ahead of me.