Great new Kettlebell and lifting gloves!

13 April 2007

Terrible low

I felt terrible during my volleyball game, I was so dehydrated! Even felt dizzy a couple of times. Made it through but not without a lot of focused effort. Yeah, I have been slacking on my workouts lately, and my knees are still slightly swollen from all the jumping. This might be my last year of indoor volleyball for me, at least at this body weight (191 lbs). When I was in my volleyball prime I was 175 lbs, now a few years, my poor knees think I weigh too much.

Been feeling a real lack of energy lately, been taking only half of my thyroid medicine since I'm almost out and won't be able to get some more until next week. That combined with my lazy nutritional choices and low water intake, are all starting to take their toll.

At least my sleeping pattern is better. I'm getting more sleep because of Zoie, I go to sleep earlier than I did before, so I get an hour or two more sleep!

Although, I'm feeling tired lately, I'm not sleeping in the tub!


Sandee said...

Yikes, I was hoping your volleyball would go better than this. You have been off your game with Zoie and that is natural.

Oh, thanks for the vote. It's greatly appreciated.

Sandee said...

Okay, did you quit here or is Zoie taking up all your spare time? Missing your posts and progress!