Great new Kettlebell and lifting gloves!

26 March 2007

The many faces of Zoie!

As you may have figured out already, I'm only posting about Zoie this week. Next week I'll be back to my workout and posting about my progress and changes made to routine because of my family's new addition....Zoie.

26 March 07: Zoie's Day 3

Today was a photo shoot spectacular.
Although, my wife is still in the hospital with Zoie (in germany, new mothers have the option to stay in the hospital up to 5 days). Zoie, still found some time in her busy schedule of....feeding, .....sleeping, ......singing, .........and pooping, to do a quick photo shoot.

Today's photo shoot theme was:
"The many faces of Zoie"

Her famous "caught off guard" look.

You want a piece of me?!

Her "Whoa, that was disgusting" look.

Her famous... "I got milk" smirk.

Her "Sherlock Homes" look.

Her "I'll get you for this" look.

If you enjoyed the photo shoot as much as Zoie did, make sure you post a comment!

Tune in tomorrow for "Zoie's first day home."


Frenchie said...

Hallo, I was just passing by and saw your blog. Congrats on the new little one. Looks like so long to a good nights sleep for you and mom for a while?! ha ha Your doing a great job on your body fat bet. Hope you win! Also had to say hi to a fellow English speaker in Germany!

Rcube said...


Thanks for stopping by and taking a look at my blog. After this week I'm going to have to change my stay tuned.

Good luck on your new blog, you might check out www.MyBlogLog for more exposure.

Oh, and who needs sleep any way?!...LOL!

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness, Zoie looks so precious! Congratulations to both you & Marion. Good thing you've trained yourself to 3-4 hours of sleep a night, you may need it! Now go and spend more time with everyone and stop messing around on the computer!!!

Sandee said...

Ahhhhhh. How cute. Take lots and lots of pictures, because they grow up very quickly. Thanks for sharing.