Great new Kettlebell and lifting gloves!

29 March 2007

Day 6.... The Hebamme's 2nd Visit

Zoie is.....
.........a quiet but active cutie, who seems to be interested in everything around her (although I'm sure she can't see very much), although she falls a sleep very quickly (while nursing), she tries to stay awake the rest of the time, and appears to enjoy her surroundings.

Today Zoie had her second visit from the hebamme (name for Germany's Midwife equivalent). The hebamme (pronounced like hay-baum) gave Zoie a vote of good health for the 2nd day in a row and mentioned that Zoie's skin and eyes were less yellow (even since yesterday) and that
she has also gained weight since leaving the hospital on Tuesday (90grams). Yeah, go Zoie! She also said that my wife is doing a great job feeding little Zoie and that Zoie is seems to be a very curious baby (she is awake looking around a lot). She also complimented me on my diaper changing ability! (I'm not saying I can change Zoie with one hand or anything, but at least I can get her cleaned up and into some dry diapers with no problem after just a few days practice).

I know that after a while this may be all second hand and not very exciting, but for now, I'm enjoying being a new Dad, and will continue to find joy in even the most mundane things.

1 comment:

Sandee said...

Great report from the whatever you called her. You don't sound very proud at all dad! ha ha...