Great new Kettlebell and lifting gloves!

27 February 2007

What is High Fructose Corn Syrup?!

Didn't get a lot of sleep Sunday night (big surprise).
So, I was pleasantly surprised, when I had a great workout Monday! The weight I had trouble with last week, on dead lifts, was no problem this time around (I did 7 reps) and the second set I even went up 10 lbs and did 5 reps (I would have done 6 if my grip hadn't gave out).

I forgot both my wrist wraps and workout shoes at home. So even with my work shoes, which were (thankfully) casual sketchers (I would have been working out in my socks or dress shoes), I was able to have a great workout and go up in weight!

Today, I did another 50 minute session of low intensity cardio (5min more than usual). Another great start......for Week #7!

27 Feb 07: Day 44
Today, after work, I was picking up some ingredients for my home made sirloin burgers (someday I'll post some recipes!), and while reading the label from a jar of sliced pickles I noticed an ingredient I hadn't expected to see .....HFCS...High Fructose Corn Syrup!

Now if there is one thing I hate to see in my food it is HFCS! For a quick overview of HFCS go to Wikipedia and it's possible relation to obesity check out this article The Double Danger of
High Fructose Corn Syrup
and for a list of some foods that contain HFCS see this article: Foods and Products Containing HFCS

So to sum it up I'll leave you with this quote from the last article:

"The magnitude of the deleterious effects of fructose varies depending on such factors as age, sex, baseline glucose, insulin, triglyceride concentrations, the presence of insulin resistance, and the amount of dietary fructose consumed.24 Some people are more sensitive to fructose. They include hypertensive, hyperinsulinemic, hypertriglyceridemic, non-insulin dependent diabetic people, people with functional bowel disease and postmenopausal women.

Everyone should avoid over-exposure to fructose, but especially those listed above. One or two pieces of fruit per day is fine, but commercial fruit juices and any products containing high fructose corn syrup are more dangerous than sugar and should be removed from the diet."

If you didn't already know about HFCS, and it's possible dangers to your health, I hope this blog raised your awareness. Once you start looking at labels you may be shocked at how many products contain HFCS. Hopefully, you'll be able to cut most of those products out of your eating plan, and get your sugars from natural fruits!

Please feel free to comment about this post if you like, your dislike of HFCS, experience or any thing you like.

Hopefully, you made further progress toward your fitness goals. Remember, all it takes is commitment and work at it one day at a time.


Anonymous said...

Holy $#1T! HFCS sucks! Will have to pay more attention to those labels at the supermarket! Thks Dude!

Anonymous said...

Wow thanks for the warning I did'nt knew that. I never heard of HFCS but now I will watch the labels on the products I buy

Anonymous said...

Awesome product! I would love to buy one of these and show off to my friends.